I really enjoyed my weekend. I slept in, ate well, and spent some time with my friends.
On Saturday, I woke up and went to the gym. I am slowly but surely rebuilding my strength training regimen. I’m not sure if anyone at the gym has witnessed someone sweat the quantity that I do. A few times now trainers have “checked on me” to make sure I’m okay. The gym also has this weird little ritual whereby the trainers circulate and fist bump everyone working out. I don’t think I’ve ever done so much fist bumping. On Saturday I expanded my membership. For an extra five euros, I was able to make my pass have access to the facility when the gym is technically closed. I just use my pass and it unlocks the door allowing me to go to the gym whenever I want. I’m not sure what the liability policy is like but I am thrilled with my VIP access.
After the gym on Saturday, I went to Mayenne and shopped. The downtown has some sweet little boutiques and I visited my favorites. The afternoon turned sunny so I sat at a café and had a coffee and people watched. At the end of the afternoon, I did my big grocery shop and returned back to St. Denis. I took Sophie for a walk a little after 5pm and it was warm and sunny. She ended up kissing her Donkey friend.
I decided to return to the bar for a glass of wine. It was just me and the proprietor, so we watched the motorcyle grand prix on his iPad and practiced conversation. I told Laurent, he was my new french teacher! It was really nice to fight through communication again in such a safe space.
On Sunday I was invited to drive to Vitré and join the boys celebrating the anniversary of the day they met. We went to a new Indian restaurant that is tucked into one of the ancient buildings. It was such fun. The food was delicious and we had such a nice time swapping stories and laughing. I told them that I’m not sure what Matthew and my “meet date” was but I am determined to choose a date so that we could also celebrate. It was 15 years ago mid December! I’ve decided it was probably the 16th.
When I returned home, I took Sophie for a walk, soaked in the tub, built a fire and did a little seasonal decorating. It was a perfectly cozy Sunday evening.